Research Projects

Glucose Sensing Using Polarimetry
The design and implementation of a polarimetric sensor for noninvasive, quantitative glucose detection in the aqueous humor of the eye for maintenance of glucose levels by people with diabetes mellitus.

Fluorescent Glucose Implantable Biosensor
Minimally invasive implantable glucose sensor using fluorescence spectroscopy for the maintenance of glucose levels by people with diabetes mellitus

Diagnostic Sensor using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
The design and implementation of a substrate that supports plasmons modes in an effort to produce reliable, repeatable Raman spectra of biologically relevant molecules towards development of SERS biosensors.

Velocity and Shear Measurements in the Lymphatic System
A minimally invasive imaging technique to detect lymph flow towards a complete description of the functions of the lymphatic system, which is primarily responsible for lipid and immune cell transportation.

Implantable Perfusion and Oxygenation Optical Sensor
Development of multiwavelength monitoring system for detecting dysfunction and/or impairment of implanted organs.


Department of Biomedical Engineering | Dwight Look College of Engineering | Texas A&M University